
Hello! At first I was making this website I wasn’t sure what it would be. A portfolio to showcase my work? An e-commerce website to sell the things I have made? A blog to talk about my new work? After some thinking, I decided I wanted it to be a little bit of everything- but mostly a place for you to follow along on my journey of building my future adaptive wear brand! I want it to be a place that brings together my love for fashion and my passion for healthcare and healing. If it wasn’t for all of my health struggles I wouldn’t be the person and the designer I am today.

If you are reading this and experience any kind of chronic illness, health condition, or disability, I hope you head over to my “Share Your Story” tab and share your own personal struggles with finding clothes that work with your disability, what you hope to see from me, or just your personal health story. My goal is to use this information as research to create a line of fashion forward clothes for people experiencing these kinds of issues.

Thank you so much for reading!
